Using Content Marketing to Attract SaaS Leads
When it comes to content, the old adages use to be that “content is king” and that you need to constantly “feed the beast.” However, given changes in content distribution, this is no longer the case. If content is king, then content distribution is queen, and you need to publish the right content and get it in front of the right audience, instead of just constantly publishing content at a cadence regardless of the quality.
For SaaS companies, this means using a comprehensive SaaS content marketing strategy to target customers that are looking for this type of comprehensive content. SaaS companies especially need to work on content targeting and distribution, and need to both educate their customers on the issues they are searching about and also issues that they may need to be educated on.
In addition to this, SaaS companies need to use their content marketing to actually sell potential users on the idea that a software subscription will solve their problems or issues. This can be done through a CTA, as well as education on the benefits of your particularly SaaS software.
To make the case for this, SaaS companies need to leverage different types of content assets to attract different types of leads. This can include everything from long-form blog posts and video content, as well as podcasts, social media posts, and even whitepapers depending on the type of audience you are trying to attract and whether your SaaS software has a more enterprise B2B focus or a lower buy in from a B2C audience. Doing this will allow SaaS companies to not only think about their software as a holistic “living” service, but also about what potential users would be looking for in the specific software you offer, including features, UX/UI, and other considerations.
When creating this content, SaaS companies need to ultimately meet their audience where they are at and match the type of content they are creating with where they think their audience will be. For example, if a SaaS companies wants to invest in video YouTube content, such as regular how-to’s and other such informational content, they should make sure to do keyword research into the terms that people may be looking for their SaaS offering under. Like Google (which owns YouTube), YouTube can be considered a search engine for informational content, particularly when it comes to businesses who are creating tutorials.
A great way to see what you should be creating is to do some research into what your competitors are doing in the content marketing space. Look at their different social channels, as well as their website, and do a content audit to see what is performing well for them. If you are vying for the same audience to subscribe to your SaaS offering, then it might make sense to compete directly with them in the space, such as YouTube videos or long-form content for SEO. Alternatively, you may see that they have invested heavily in one area and underinvested in another content marketing channel, which will give you an opportunity to slip in and shave off some of their market share.
Running a SaaS business is all about finding the right customers who will actually get continual value out of your SaaS offering. Doing so requires you to put out comprehensive content that you invest in in order to entice and educate audiences to do see the value in your SaaS offering.