Tips To Make Your Commercial Laundry Business More Eco-Friendly
Oftentimes, people believe that eco-friendly business practices and profits are incompatible, but this is no longer the case. As green technology advances, businesses are now realizing that they can save money while helping the environment. Raising the green flag and starting an eco-friendly business should not be an expensive undertaking. That is if you take it one step at a time and invest in environmentally friendly solutions early on. Coin op laundry operations, such as the Girbau North America laundry stores, necessitate a substantial investment. Switching to environmentally friendly technologies can be extremely beneficial in this area. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Maintain your equipment
Going green also necessitates proper care and maintenance of your laundry equipment. The performance of Girbau North America washers and dryers suffers when they are not properly maintained. They will need more energy to operate. Furthermore, they are prone to breakdowns, which can hurt the quality of your laundry service.
Purchase and install energy-saving washing machines
Did you know that a 6-liter washing machine uses approximately 1 unit of electricity per hour? Consider how much time it will take to perform several washes on different laundry machines every day. While the price is exorbitant. However, energy-efficient washing machines not only save electricity but also reduce your water bills. These machines are designed to use load-sensing technology which allows you to add the right amount of water to your laundry. Some machines even include water reusing technology. There are numerous such machines on the market. Consider purchasing some of these washing machines as part of your purchase.
When possible, use cold water.
Hot water is quite effective in the removal of stains, but did you also know that 75 percent of the energy used in a hot wash cycle is just to heat the water? If you don’t have energy-efficient washers, use cold water whenever possible. Cold water is as effective at disinfecting clothes and linens as hot water.
Use low-temperature and environmentally friendly detergents.
Traditional detergents only work in hot water and contain harmful chemicals like polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). The presence of such chemicals in detergents harms the environment. Therefore, it’s better to use Eco-Friendly Detergents so you are sure of using sustainable laundry practices. These detergents often work fairly well in both hot and cold water and do not harm the planet. White vinegar, for example, may be used as a fabric softener.
Keeping track of laundry usage
Last but not least, keep track of the chemicals, water, and energy you use in your business. Then develop a strategy for reducing this usage with minimal effort and greater efficiency. When you track your usage, you will be surprised by the difference between your expected and actual usage. When planning dry cleaning operations, consider tracking laundry usage as a cost-effective and resource-saving strategy.
Going green not only helps the environment, but also helps your business image, reduces costs, and increases profitability, among other things. You can enable eco-friendly laundry practices in your business by implementing all of these measures. And do your part to make the environment green again.