Paper-Based Auto Workshop In A Digitally Inclined Industry; An Anomaly?
One of the major things that have been digitalized in the auto workshop business is Vehicle Inspection. Most auto workshop owners opt for digital vehicle inspection rather than paper-based. This is because by using digital, you are allowed to make comments, provide estimates, manage your checklists, add photographs and videos, etc., before sending the report to the customer.
With DVI, you can provide your client with a thorough status report, and your clients are then made to understand the vehicle’s problem. DVI also allows customers to send in feedback and get more information about what to do with their vehicles.
To ensure transparency in a mechanic shop program between customer and technician, sending a DVI report leaves no spot for price gouging or incompetence. This is because photos and video evidence are involved in the DVI report.
Benefits of Digital Vehicle Inspections Over Paper-Based.
Rapid advancement in technology in the 21st Century did not leave the auto industry behind. One of the technological advancements enjoyed in the automobile industry is the use of digital vehicle inspection. Auto workshops that are still paper-based are missing out on all of the benefits the DVI contains.
One major benefit of the DVI over paper usage is that it increases your workshop’s efficiency and productivity. You can work for more clients within a short period and without too much stress. This leaves time to remain focused on fulfilling your shop’s business goals. Doing paper-based tests would leave you spending more time on what could have been done in a jiffy. The time spent manually assessing a vehicle could have been spent on other important aspects.
Another benefit of DVI is that it fosters trust between you and your client. Your client is sure to receive a report after you worked on their car, complete with pictorial and video evidence and your prompt delivery. Your client is comfortable knowing that he’s getting value for his money. The trust your client has for your services would keep him coming back and even refer others to you.
DVI allows you to be consistent in your service delivery and business operations. Consistency leads to success in business. If you have a reputation for being consistent, your clients will take all your professional advice and recommendations to heart. This is because they believe your assessment and that you’ve never steered them wrong. While using DVI doesn’t take away from human experience, you should understand that computer-based tests like the DVI leave no room for error.
You can easily expand your auto workshop business with a DVI on board. Popularity amongst the clients in your location, due to your reputation, would lead to an increase in revenue generation for your workshop. Being willing to digitalize your operations and hiring competent technicians to use these machines would lead your auto business to new heights.
Paper-Based Vehicle Tests Are Not Worth The Stress
When you have to include the human margin of error at the end of your assessment, the stress you go through trying to set up a paper test isn’t worth it. Also, having an organized system in the DVI is important to the operations of your auto workshop. Information is gathered and organized digitally rather than manually. Data also is computerized into something that’ll make sense to the least technical of people.
Also, being stuck in the paper age while your competitors have fully digitalized their operations is going to make it hard for you to keep up in the market. Your business may suffer greatly from this. It’s advisable to make the switch from analog to digital for the success of your auto business.